UIIC Assistant Result 2017 for Prelims Exam Out : Check Here

UIIC Assistant Result 2017 for Prelims ExamOut : Check Here

United India Insurance Company Limited (UIIC) has released the online Assistant prelims examination result 2017, which was held on 22nd of September 2017. We congratulate those candidates who got selected for UIIC mains 2017 examination which will be held on 23rd October 2017. Click the link provided below for UIIC Assistant Prelims.  List of Roll Numbers of Shortlisted candidates for phase-II Examination for the post of Assistants (Class-III) Assistant Recruitment Exercise 2017.



How to Check UIIC Assistant Result 2017

  1. Click on the direct link given above in this article.
  2. Press Control F & enter your Roll Number.
  3. If you can find your Roll no. in the list, you are selected.
  4. Alternatively, you can go to the UIIC Website & check your results.

Congratulations! to all the students who got selected for the UIIC Mains Exam.

Assistant Recruitment Exercise 2017

Downloading  of  call  letters  indicating  date  and  venue  of  Phase  II  examination will  commence with  effect  from  12.10.2017.  Candidates  are  advised  to  keep visiting the website (www.uiic.co.in) for further details. In case of any difficulty while downloading call letters from the above date , candidates are advised to send the details to the email id---“recruitment@uiic.co.in

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