Rajasthan Informatics Assistant computer GK 2

Rajasthan  Informatics Assistant computer GK 2

1. One millisecond is

. 1000th of a seconds

2. An online backing storage system capable of storing larger quantities of data is
Answer: . Mass storage

3. One of a class of storage device devices that can access storage locations in any order is
Answer: . DASD

4. Which is an item of storage medium in the form of circular plate?
. Disk

5. Properly arranged data is called
6. Another word for a daisy wheel printer

 Answer:  Golf ball printer

7. A term used to describe interconnected computer configuration is
Answer :Multiprogramming

8. An input /output device at which data enters or leaves a computer system is
Answer:. Terminal

9. A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the m9crocomputer is known as
Answer:. Address bus

10. A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is
Answer:. Cluster

11. Number crunch8ier is the informal name for
Answer:. Super computer

12. A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as
Answer: Pulse code modulation

13. The personnel who deals with the computer and its management put together are called
Answer:. Human ware

14. The brain of any computer system is
Answer:. CPU

15. Each model of a computer has a unique
Answer:. Machine language

16. Computer professionals working in a computer center are`
Answer:. Humanware

17. Which of the items below are considered removable storage media?
Answer: a. Removable hard disk cartridges
               b. (Magneto-optical) disk

               c. Flexible disks cartridges

18. Which term is used to describe RAM?
Answer: a. Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
              b. Static RAM (SRAM)
              c. Video RAM (VRAM)

19. Which of the following are (is) considered to be video component?
Answer: a. Resolution
              b. Color depth
              c. Refresh rate

20. On a PC, how much memory is available to application software?
Answer:. 640 KB

21. Second generation computers started with the advent of
Answer: Transistors

22. …… processes data reflecting changes to items in inventory.
Answer:. Inventory control system

23. Which of the following is incorrect with respect to “Point of Sale Terminal”?
Answer:. Allows the customer to pay for goods purchased with automatic account details

24. A printer is needed to —
Answer:. create hard copies of documents

25. Information can be stored on all of the following except — 
Answer:  the keyboard _

26 Which one of the following devices could be used to place a photograph into a document?
Answer:. Scanner

27. The device which process the input data is called…………
Answer: . CPU

28. Information stored in ……is lost as soon as the power is cut.
Answer:. RAM

29 Which of the following is not the input device?
Answer:. Printer 

30. First electronic computer was designed by …….in 1947.
Answer:. IBM

31. What is the full form of ASCII.
Answer:. American Standard Code for Information Interchange

32. Which of the following is not the programming language? 
Answer:. LOTUS

33. Which of the following cable has got the bandwidth of 100mbps?
Answer: Cat 5 UTP cable 

34. When did John Napier invent logarithm?
Answer:. 1614

35. Who invented Analytical engine?
Answer:. Charles Babbage 

36. What is a PC?
Answer:. Micro Computer

37 .What is a light pen?
Answer:. Optical input device

38. Which one is the protocol?
Answer:. NetBEUI

39. The two broad categories of software are
Answer: System and application

40. These are computers that excel at executing many different computer programs at the same


41. A string of eight (8) is and 1s is called a 
Answer:  Byte

42. The operating system is the most common type of
Answer:  System software

43. It is the application of computer systems and techniques to gather legal evidence
Answer: Computer forensics

44 . It controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer ?
Answer: The operating system

45. Which software helps you carry out tasks, such as typing a document or creating a spreadsheet ?
 Answer: Application

46 . Input devices are used to provide the steps and tasks the computer needs to process data, and these steps and tasks are called
Answer:  Instructions 

47. A computer gathers data, processes it, outputs the data or information, and the data or information
 Answer:  Stores

48. It is approximately 1,000 bytes
Answer:  Kilobyte

49. When you connect to this service your computer is communicating with a server at your Internet Service Provider (ISP)
 Answer:  Internet

50. The devices you use to enter data into a computer system are known as
Answer: Input device

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