Rajasthan DOITC Informatics Assistan computert GK 3

Rajasthan DOITC Informatics Assistan computert  GK 3

1: What are the two basic types of memory that your computer uses?
Ans- RAM

2. The term gigabyte refers to
Ans- 1024 megabytes

3. Main memory is
Ans- Random Access Memory

4. Which of the following is the smallest and fastest computer imitating brain working?
Ans- Quantum Computer

5. A compact disc (CD) is a data storage of the type
Ans- Magnetic

6. Which of the following is not as language for computer programming?

7: FTP stands for __________.
Ans- File transfer protocol

8:A named collection of properties (data, state) and methods (instruction, behavior) is called _____.
Ans- Object

9. A computer with CPU speed around 100 million instructions per second & with the word length of around 64 bits is known as
Ans- Super computer

10: The distance among families is ___________ because of spending more time on internet.
Ans- ncreased

11. To locate a data items for storage is
Ans- Fetch

12. Off-line operation is the operation of devices without the control of
Ans- CPU

13. A type of line printer that uses an embossed steel band to form the letters printed on the paper is
Ans- Band printer

14. A software used to convert source program instructions to object instruction is known as
Ans- Assembler

15. The ‘IC’ chip, used in computers, is made of
Ans- Silicon

16. Name the first general purpose electronic computer

17. Which of the following statement is wrong
Ans-  Linux is owned and sold by Microsoft

18. Operating system of a computer
Ans- Provides a layer, user friendly interface

19. The term Operating System means
Ans- A set of programs which control computer working

20. Wild card operators specifies
Ans- Provide an easy way of groups of related files

21.Which one of the following is not a broadband communication medium
Ans- Twisted pair

22.Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation
Ans- Modem

23. Which one of the following is not an application software package
Ans-Redhat Linux

24. Who is the father of computer
Ans : Charles Babbage

25.The function of key F4 is
Ans : To repeat the last action

26.The function of key F4 is
Ans : To repeat the last action

27. The 0 and 1 in the binary numbering system are called binary digits or …….
Ans- bits

28. A monitor’s …… is the distance between the holes in the mask
behind the screen. This helps determine how sharp the dots appear.
Ans- dot pitch

29. A directly accessible appointment calendar is a feature of a ……. resident package.
Ans- memory

30. Perforated paper used as input or output media is known as
Ans- Paper tape

31. The invention of the slide rule is attributed to
Ans- Oughtred

32. A worksheet can have a maximum of …. Number of rows
Ans-. 65,535

33. The memory sizes in mainframe computers and advanced technology micro computer are expressed as

34. A prefix for billion which is equal to …. is called as billi.
Ans- 10

35. Each model of a computer has a unique
Ans- Machine language

36. One kilobyte = ____ byte.
Ans- 1024

37. Which of the following circuit is used as a ‘Memory device’ in computers?
Ans- Flip-Flop

38. To move the cursor to the end of the document press
Ans : Ctrl + End

39. In Word Processing the red underline indicates
Ans : Spelling mistakes

40. The shortcut key to print documents is
Ans : Ctrl + P

41. First layer in the OSI reference model is
Ans- Physical

42. Viruses, Trojan horses and Worms are
Ans-able to harm computer system

43. Program threats are
Ans- Trojan horse

44. Failure of passwords security due to exposure can result from
Ans-(a) Electronic monitoring
        (b) Visual

45. Data security threats include
Ans- Privacy invasion
46. The bar which displays information about the current page number is
Ans : Status bar
47. Graphical pictures that represent an object like file, folder etc. are
Ans- Icons

48. Who invented the super-computer?
Ans- J.H. Van Tassell

49. Accessing records from a file directly without searching from the beginning of the file is
Ans- Direct access

50. Time during which a job is processed by the computer is
Ans- Execution time

51). Routine is not loaded until it is called. All routines are kept on disk in a relocatable load format. The main program is loaded into memory & is executed. This type of loading is called _________
Ans- Dynamic linking

52) Which of the following is crucial time while accessing data on the disk?
Ans- Seek time

53) The host repeatedly checks if the controller is busy until it is not. It is in a loop that status register's busy bit becomes clear. This is called _____________ and a mechanism for the hardware controller to notify the CPU that it is ready is called ___________.
Ans- Polling and Interrupt


54) Unix Operating System is an __________.
Ans-(a) Time Sharing Operating System
        (b) Multi-User Operating System
        (c)Multi-tasking Operating System

55) Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from External fragmentation?
Ans- Segmentation

56) Information about a process is maintained in a _________.
Ans- Process Control Block

57) Distributed OS works on the ________ principle.
Ans- Single system image

58) The problem of fragmentation arises in ________.
Ans- Heap allocation

59) Which file system does DOS typically use ?
Ans- FAT16

60) The program is known as _________ which interacts with the inner part of called kernel.

61) The time taken by the disk arm to locate the specific address of a sector for getting information is called __________.
Ans- Seek Time

62) Which file system does Windows 95 typically use ?
Ans- FAT32

63) Identify the odd thing in the services of operating system.
Ans- Error detection and correction

64) Cryptography technique is used in ________.

65) Which of the following is not advantage of multiprogramming?
Ans- Decreased operating system overhead

66) In ______ OS, the response time is very critical.
Ans- Real-time

67) An optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of minimizing the average waiting time of a given set of processes is ________.
Ans- Shorest job - first scheduling algorithm

68) Real time systems are ________.
Ans- Used for monitoring events as they occur

69) Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep both the CPU and the I/O devices busy?

70) Inter process communication can be done through __________.
Ans- Messages

71: Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MS-Word?
Ans-. Enter key

72: Which of the following is the correct syntax for CompactRepair method?
Ans- expression. CompactRepair(SourceFile, DestinationFile, LogFile)

73: Consider the following statements: Statement
A: The write access to a file system is possible while using the growfs command. Statement
B: The growfs command increases the size of the UFS file system in a volume without causing data loss. Which of the following is true about the statements?
Ans-. Statement A is false, and Statement B is true.

74: Multiple items can be selected by pressing
Ans- CTRL key

75: Susan needs to use a set of hidden tools frequently. To do this, she would:
Ans-. detach the toolbar.

76: To test the IP stack on your local host, which IP address would you ping?

77: CHECK constraint is used to enforce:
Ans-. domain integrity.

78: The horizontal and vertical lines on a worksheet are called ___
Ans-. gridlines

79: Which is not a type of anti-virus?
Ans- STD

80: Which computer language is preferred for data processing ?
Ans-. APL

81: What is the extention of Australia
Ans- .au

82: What is the abbreviation of SATA
Ans- Serial Advanced Technology Attachment


83: What does XHTML stand for?
Ans- 4. EXtensibleHyperTextMarkup Language

84: Which of the following cannot be the status of a task?
Ans- Finished

85: An n element AVL tree with height h can be searched in
Ans- O(h)

86: A monitor with high dot pitch will have:
Ans- wide gaps between pixels.

87. The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to questions or clicking an icon, are

 88: The PC and the Apple Macintosh are examples of two different
Ans- platforms

89: In B-tree of order m all external nodes are _ _ _ _ _ _
Ans-. at same levels

90: Jim wants to create an object of the ItemEvent class. Which one of the following options represents the constructor for the ItemEvent class?
Ans-ItemEvent(ItemSelectable source, int id, Object item, intstateChange)

91: Two cards have been drawn successively from a pack without replacing the first. Find the probability that 2nd card is spade, if the first card is spade?
Ans- 4/17

91:A communication protocol is a __________that governs the flow of information over a network.
Ans-Set of rules 

92:By default in a web page Hyper Link for another web page is represented as:
Ans-Blue and Underlined

93:The organizations are learning that business can be done in a more effective manner if emphasis is placed upon ______________.
        (b)Shared responsibility

94:Monitor is an example of __________devices
Ans- Output

95:The code in the ________ portion is the right choice for developing larger JavaScript scripts

96:____________________ based on the principles of the logical reasoning ability of humans.
Ans-Rule-based Systems

97: The key benefit of VPNs over conventional PNs is:
Ans-Lower Cost

98 Software is a program that directs the overall operation of the computer, facilitates its use and interacts with the user. What are the different types of this software ?
Ans- (a) Operating system
         (b)Language Compiler

99 :A __________ is a software that manages the time of a microprocessor to ensure that all time critical events are processed as efficiently as possible. This software allows the system activities to be divided into multiple independent elements called tasks.
Ans- Kernel

100: The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to ________.
Ans- Manage Resources

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